It’s often easy to forget life’s most important things in vanity, petty little things. In particular now as it is most felt by a large amount of us Europeans the troubles of our monetary union the Euro. It might feel easy a solution to abolish the whole Union but it is not as simple as it seems.
Europeans can and must look to the future. Our unity is essential for us whether we like it or not. We cannot afford to fend for ourselves like on the olden golden days of Europe. Those days of Empires and colonies and superior technology and industry are all but gone. To be truly significant is to preserve the peace and cooperate: therefore we should and must stay united. However we must remember our democratic principles, and, not to say, criticise the nowadays unions political processes. We must find a solution that truly increases the legitimacy of common European political processes in the people’s eyes. Solution seems to be only to increase the strength of democracy, in a fairly bureaucratic and complicated decision making processes of the EU.
I hope for an Europe fairer for its citizens in the respect of today’s monetary problems. Private interests should not become a burden for the state. Do not let these so called dooms days ‘’experts’’ of preachers fool you. Their interests are not in the people but somewhere else. They are not chosen by the people to make these decisions. Yet they exercise far too much influence with their agendas in the public debate. Freedom for success should also be freedom for failure. If big banks have the knowledge that they are too big to fail, they’ll take only greater risks. We have given them the wrong signal now, and things will only get worse.
Lastly our Union was never an Á la carte! With unity come not only benefits but also responsibility, whether we like it or not. We need a strong Europe in this world otherwise other stronger states will overrun us.
Happy new year!
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